Step 1: Acquire Robusta (non-hybrid) Coffee Beans from Uganda (1 pound)
Step 2: Roast with Fresh Roast SR800 (check the manufacturer's website: Home Roasting Supplies for a new model coming out later this year that will allow you to upload profiles to the roaster so the process is automatic and here's some FAQ's) (roast 1/4 pound (113.4 grams) every 2 weeks to get about 18 "cups" - (113.4 / 16.25 = 18.14))
Step 3: Remove Chaff (skin of the coffee bean) by shaking in a Colander
Step 4: Spread out the coffee beans in a baking dish and position a fan to cool them off overnight. This will also help remove the CO2 caused from the roasting process.
Step 5: Store Coffee Beans in a wide mouth Glass Mason Jar with a special lid and pump that allows the remove of C02 and Oxygen to keep the coffee beans fresher for longer.
Step 6: Grind Coffee Beans with an automatic burr grinder or manual burr grinder (you can attach a power drill to make this automatic and save money). Experiment to find your ideal grind size, since the brew time and taste of the coffee will change accordingly.
Tip: Fresher is better. Grind only enough for what you plan on drinking that moment. Approximately a single 8 ounce cup of coffee would require: 240 grams of water to 16 grams of grounded coffee beans. This is a 15 to 1 ratio. Note that this ratio is stronger than the 16-2/3 to 1 ratio used by most cafés. And since volumetric measurements using a scoop or spoon aren't consistent, you will have to measure density using a scale (optional to use a scale with a timer to measure how long it brews, which again is a reflection of the size of your grind). Another important tip is that after grinding with an automatic burr grinder you will have to tilt it forward and tap it on the table a few times to release the grounded coffee beans that will cling to the inside of the machine because of static electricity. Doing this can release up to 1 gram, however you will still lose about .25 grams on average. This is why you want to use this to clean your grinder every month and watch this video. To account for this, weigh 16.25 grams of whole coffee beans before grinding so you end up with 16 grams of grounded coffee.
Also as a side note, when you pour the water later on you will lose about 27.5 grams that gets absorbed by the grounded coffee beans and won't pass through the filter. So you end up actually drinking around 7.5 ounces (212.5 grams) of coffee. Note that generally a single "cup" of coffee is measured by using either 6 or 5 (instead of 8) ounces of water, according to most cafés or home coffee carafe manufacturers respectively. Don't let this confuse you when reading other websites. As long as you follow the 15 to 1 ratio, and adjust from there according to your preference, you will be satisfied.
Step 7: Boil water in a glass kettle with a glass goose neck for better control while pouring. Ideal temperature is between 203°F.
Step 8: Place the Chemex filter on the Chemex glass container. The filter is special because it is thicker than other coffee filters and removes more of the bitter-tasting oils from the coffee bean. Pour some water first to clean off the filter paper, otherwise the taste of your coffee will be affected. This also warms up the glass container, so later on your coffee won't get cold as fast. Now discard this water down the sink.
Step 9: Add the Grounded Coffee Beans to the Chemex filter paper and pour just enough water to first "bloom" the coffee. This allows the beans to off-gas CO2 and will prevent clumping. You should pour twice the amount of water to grounded coffee beans. So 16 grams of grounded coffee beans, would be 32 grams of water. Wait 1 minute before pouring the rest of the water. Be sure the temperature of the water is still between 203°F. If you want, you can stir around the outer edge to keep the grounded coffee from sticking to the walls of the filter paper.
Step 10: Throw out the Chemex filter and grounded coffee beans and pour the Coffee into your favorite cup to drink. If you want to experiment with the flavor further, there are specialty cups.
Bonus: Watch these videos for a visual aid of different methods: Stop Motion by Andy, Stumptown with Laim, Barefoot Coffee