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Lucid Dreaming

› Lucid Dreaming

It is said that dreams are the mirrors to our souls. Did you know that one third of our lifetime we spend asleep? So on average we spend in total 20 to 25 years asleep throughout our lifetime. Take a second and thing about how long that really is that we spend asleep. I think we can agree that most of the time we have no sense of what’s happening to us while we’re dreaming… no sense of growing or developing. But then, there are those few dreams that we had where we felt like we were aware of the fact we were dreaming or maybe it felt like we were able to control what was happening in our dreams. These are the two scenarios of lucid dreaming. Simply put, it means you’re consciously aware during your dream.

We normally get caught up with a lot of negative thoughts and feelings right before we fall asleep. Mastering lucid dreaming is a way to help you so that you don’t waste those 20-25 years. You recognize the limitations one is not conscious of and clear those blockages. You discover your most inner potentials and qualities and enhance them not only in dreams, but in everyday life as well. The following is a list of the benefits scientists have proven is directly related to lucid dreaming:

  1. Improved problem-solving skills
  2. Enhanced creativity
  3. Greater self-confidence
  4. Greater self-awareness
  5. Greater self-control
  6. Fewer nightmares
  7. Improved memory
  8. Better, more restful sleep
  9. Higher energy levels
  10. Boosts a person’s ability to cope with stress and maintain feelings of well-being (in turn this increases an enzyme important for the long-term health of cells in the body)

Before you go to sleep, think about everything that you love and appreciate. In a way it’s as if you’re mediating on that love and joy while you’re asleep. Before we go to sleep, most of us reflect on our day counting all the bad things that happened. Thinking about future deadlines that you have to make, adding stress before you sleep. When you awake your still exhausted and tired, because while you were sleeping you were focusing on these negative thoughts and emotions throughout the whole night. You feel depressed, your body is aching, and you have no enthusiasm for the rest of the day. Who would want to wake up to this?

But, if you spend 10 to 15 minutes before you fall asleep making a conscious effort to prepare yourself, you will see the results and fast. One thing I noticed in my own personal life is that I rarely ever need to use an alarm clock growing up. If I told myself that I had to wake up at 5am, it’s very likely that I did. That’s the power of our minds. So aside from only think loving and positive thoughts before falling asleep, how else can you ensure to have lucid dreams?

Every time you have a dream and are able to remember it, write it down as soon as you awake. Keep a “dream journal” near your bed and record as much as you can. Sometimes there will be too many details for you to be able to write without forgetting them as you write, in this case just write down the main components of the dream and then go back filling in the details. The more you do this, the easier it will be to remember your dreams while your awake, making you more aware and conscious of them. The next thing you can do is train yourself to sleep on your back. Focus on keeping your eyes open when you’re really tired lying in bed (at the point you’re ready to fall asleep any second). By doing this you’re performing a conscious check to see if you’re awake or asleep. This takes practice to get down, but after a few tries you’ll begin to realize when you might be asleep. When you first truly become aware that you’re conscious during a dream, you’re likely to have such excitement that you will wake up instantly. Don’t worry, just go back to sleep and keep practicing. After a few more tries you will learn to control your levels of excitement so you don’t wake yourself up. The more you practice the longer you will be able to lucid dream and the more control you will have in each lucid dream. Don’t get discourage though, this takes time and patience to become good at. After practicing this consistently for a month or so you should become fairly good at it. Just keep at it. It’s already been scientifically proven that lucid dreaming is possible. But I doubt you will have heard about this in a major magazine, newspaper, or even in school. Pretty silly it’s not talked about more when something like this can be so important in one’s everyday life, huh?

Good luck practicing this, don’t forget the goal is to enhance personal and spiritual development at a time you never thought you could use before. Not to mention it’s pretty fun being able to fly around freely in your dreams as if you’re superman (this takes a lot of practice to get to this point, since your limited by what you’re able to believe is possible, so at first you will only fly a few feet in the air for short bursts) and have complete control of whatever you want to happen. I think it’s a beautiful thing to compare our lives to our dreams… once you wake up, you typically realize that if only you were more “aware” you could have done whatever you wanted in your dream, right? Well what’s the difference in life, if you “wake up” and became more “aware” of your actions, you too can have much more control of the outcome of your life. In both cases it’s equally as silly to allow your life or dream to trick you into thinking you don’t have control. Living life is taking responsibility and ownership of everything that happens to you, and never playing victim to external circumstances. If you want to learn more, you can also run a Google search for the first known people to experiment with lucid dreaming… “Tibetan monks’ dream yoga.” It’s pretty commonly known that eastern ways of thoughts are more developed than western ways of thought, and there is no exception in this case. The ultimate goal for Tibetan monks when they master dream yoga (lucid dreaming) is to complete tasks to enter into a higher level of consciousness. (click here to learn about the different levels of consciousness) These tasks include:

  1. Practice a spiritual discipline
  2. Receive initiations, empowerments and transmissions
  3. Visit different places, planes, and worlds
  4. Communicate with an enlightened being
  5. Meet with other sentient beings
  6. Fly and shape-shift into other creatures

This teaching recognizes that most of us live as “sleepwalkers” as if in a dream not fully aware of what’s going on around us. Mastering dream yoga (lucid dreaming) and in turn reaching a deeper level of consciousness is a way to find meaning to what and who we really are, what our purpose is, being able to discern between what’s true and false, and even better understand life and death. Leading a spiritual life is the same as awakening from a dream of illusions and uncertainty. This all starts to get into astral projection. Lucid dreaming is sometimes confused with astral projection or out-of-body experiences, but there are distinct differences… please click here to learn more about this.

› Lucid Dreaming